
Hello.  My name is Lise.  I have been teaching children for 20 years, the last five of which have been in an infant classroom, where my true passion has unfolded.  I enjoy working together with each family to support their infant in all aspects of development.  It brings me pleasure to assist young learners in their discovery of self, ability to communicate socially and exploration of the world around them.

I have a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Education, both of which I obtained at the University of Colorado in Boulder.  I moved to Harwich in 2003, with my husband and two young children, when we accepted the opportunity to manage my parent’s inn in Chatham.  After a ten year adventure as an innkeeper, I returned to the field of early education upon the sale of the inn.

With my children grown and on their own journeys, it is fulfilling for me to nurture and care for infants in the beginning of their potential-filled lives.  I feel fortunate to be part of a team that is committed to providing high quality early education and care in a comfortable, personalized setting.